Thursday, September 24, 2009

Concerning Puddles

I could lose my pride, my reputation and my stature but I fear I will lose everything if I lose my compassion.

This isnt something I place on my top shelf and save for special occasions. Like those boxers that dont have the Mr Price tag on them.

Love is like that sometimes. That pair of jeans that you never wash because youre so scared that the day you want it you cant wear it.

Other times its like that top you see in the store window. Perfect, but not your size.

And sometimes Love is best explained with this textile parable...

هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَّكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ لِبَاسٌ لَّهُنَّ

But i'm not strong enough to realise those words just yet. I dont doubt them. I just dont feel its meant for me right now

Its not about searching for happiness, or acceptance... or even for someone to share your life with. I dont want to search, I dont want to look. You search for keys, clothes, and a place that makes a good strawberry milkshake. You dont search for Happiness. Because Happiness is not out there. Its within.

This makes sense to me.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Attack of the Indian Werewolf - First Music Video

This is a parody music video for one of the characters in the movie, Rajiv (played by Rapper 1818) I will blog about my opinion on stereotypes in the movie another day. For now, I just want to share this with you guys.

Let me know what you guys think - We intended for this guy to be a joke - to think he is awesome when in reality he is quite lame. Think Pretty fly for a white guy

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Concerning Taraweeh Characters

So here's something I notice during Taraweeh every year. You get all types of people reading it. I'd like to give them titles so here goes.

The Waterhole Warrior - These guys run to the taps or water cooler after every four rakaats. Water is healthy and im sure that theyre just doing it to rehydrate after a long day of fasting. But notice how long they linger around the water cooler. Reminds me of the Savannah really.

The Rukhu Ninja - This chap sits and waits until the imam goes into Rukhu. Then he jumps up and joins the jamaat, effectively cutting down his qiyaam in half.

The Correction Kaliph - This pretentious chap loves preying on Huffaaz who sometimes err. But its worse than that really - im not saying dont correct the guys. Please do. But sometimes these guys pause to catch their breath. Not that the Correction Kaliph cares about that. He just wants to show everyone how tight his Dhor is.

The High Speed Huffaaz - If I was a nerd i'd probably say something like 'Shuaib read like he had 4 gbs of ram in him'

The Witr Watcher - These are the kids who play 'catching game' during taraweeh but come running into the musjid for the last two rakaats and witr.

The Gum Squelcher - This is the guy who spends half his time trying to remove sesame seeds (from his haleem and naan binging at Iftar) from between his teeth. Almost like its a pasttime or something. Its very hard to concentrate when you have Captain Suction next to you.

The Chair Mafia - Ive got no problem with the guys who use chairs for a legitimate reason, but what I dont get is when I see healthy guys in their mid thirties who stand in their shop the whole day but will pull up a chair for taraweeh. Dont tell me they need the chair because theyve been working hard supervising their staff. These same guys play soccer at night out of Ramadan.

The Burp Ballies - ive discussed this one in detail here so no need repeating myself

The Mxit Master - This chap checks his phone every two rakaats. I'd understand if you were a doctor on call or something, but if youve got less facial hair than your Grandmother, chances are youre not saving anyones life tonight. Put the phone away.

The Snakes and Ladders Mussallee - This guy jumps around the safs. It could be because he is looking for a cooler spot, or because he is filling the gap. But mostly because he has ADD

Ive written about 27th Night Muslims here so I wont repeat it. Im just happy they make the effort, even if its for one night. Allahu Alam.

You guys can leave comments if I have left anyone out.

Heres my Taraweeh Theory -

The time taken to stand up for taraweeh is proportionate to the distance between you and the Imam.